Health is the requierment for everything

Many people know the phrase "A healthy person has 1000 wishes, but a sick person has only one." This saying hits the nail on the head and makes it clear why maintaining one's own health should be one of every person's personal priorities. It is clear to everyone that health is one of the most important, if not the most important, things in our lives. 

Nevertheless, some people keep asking themselves why they should take care of their health if they are going to die one day anyway. This is like asking why you get up in the morning if you go to sleep at night anyway. 

To overcome this, it is important to understand that whatever we want to do and achieve in our lives, the prerequisite for all of that is that we are healthy. So health is not a goal, but the basis for everything in our lives. Taking care of our health is, for example, as basic as brushing our teeth in the morning. It is the first priority and comes before all other things. If we do not ensure that this basis is in place in our lives and we are not aware of our responsibility for our own health and towards ourselves, it will catch up with us one day. 

The well-known German naturopath Sebastian Kneipp described this with the words: "Anyone who does not have time for their health today will need a lot of time for their illness later." And that's how it is. If we make decisions in our daily lives that are detrimental to our health, we are slowly but surely working towards the development of illness. He also said: "Everyone wants to stay healthy and live a long life, but only very few do anything about it." If you observe the lifestyle of most people today, you will see that the majority of them are working purposefully towards the development of illness through the type of decisions they make every day. Therefore we should be aware that every decision we make against our health is a decision we make against ourselves. If we go through our lives this way, we should not be surprised if we are rewarded with success for our actions and become ill. 

Conversely, every investment in our health is simultaneously an investment in ourselves and our well-being. Only if we invest actively and long-term in our health and in ourselves, we can create the basis for a fulfilling life. Otherwise, sooner or later we will have to reap the fruits of our bad decisions by ourselves. Because health is basic. If health is not ensured, we can't do and achieve anything in our live.

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