Disease is not a coincidence

The human organism is a fascinating, highly developed system that is designed in all its aspects to sustain our lives. Basically, our body is naturally "programmed" for health and has no interest in harming itself in the form of complaints and illnesses. In most cases, illnesses only arise when we do not give our system what it needs and live in a way that is not good for us. 

Nowadays, our modern lifestyle is often characterized by stress, lack of exercise, unhealthy diet and many other things that make us ill. Currently, we humans have caused around 70% of all diseases on the planet through our harmful lifestyle. This modern form of self-destruction is summarized under the term "diseases of civilization". From mental illnesses such as depression, to allergies and diabetes, to serious cardiovascular diseases, strokes and cancer, there are now hardly any ailments that we have not contributed to ourselves. Because almost all chronic diseases are caused by ourselves from within. Chronic diseases are not infectious diseases where external organisms attack our system, but are caused by a chronic lifestyle that goes against our own nature. 

The reason for this is simply a lack of access to ourselves. We do not pay enough attention to our own lives and have lost awareness of how to deal with ourselves, or to put it in the words of the famous Indian author and yogi “Sadhguru Jagadish Vasudev”: “We live a life without having read the user manual for it.” The result is that in every area of our lives we repeatedly make decisions against ourselves instead of for ourselves. Be it the way we eat or the type of work we do. In every aspect of our modern life, we do things that are not good for us and are harmful to us in the long term. If we forget the basic aspirations and principles of our own nature and do not know how to deal with our own body and mind, it is not a wonder, but a logical consequence, that this leads to many problems and ailments. 

It is therefore time to become aware that all of these widespread diseases that we as humanity suffer from today do not, in most cases, arise by chance or are even natural signs of aging, but are simply the result of an often long-term unconscious and damaging lifestyle, which is often a gradual process and in some cases only shows symptoms after decades of self-harm. 

At the same time, however, all of this also means that we are not powerless against these diseases, but can actively and independently influence most aspects of our health and well- being. Nowadays, it is more important than ever to understand this and not to leave the responsibility for our own well-being to chance, medication or a doctor. Medication and doctors are a wonderful and often life-saving option in emergencies, but they should not play a role in our daily lives. The responsibility for our overall personal well-being lies solely with us. We should therefore be aware of this responsibility and not wait to act when it is too late. We should not live by the motto: "Am I already so bad that I have to change something?" We should rather make preventive decisions that ensure our well-being in the long term. This is not only possible, but our natural condition and aspiration.

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