Your are what you eat

It is no longer so easy to find out what constitutes a healthy and unhealthy diet these days. Countless different diets and nutrition distort the clear view of what kind of food our body really needs. But it is actually quite simple. 

Food is the building material and fuel for our body. Depending on what kind of body we want to have and what kind of activities we do determines how we should eat. It is important to understand that our body is basically nothing more than a collection of food. What was once earth became food, what was food became our body and our body will one day become earth again. Food is therefore the substance that forms our life.Especially in today's world, where food is often no longer seen as food that is supposed to nourish us and keep us healthy, but is abused as a drug and filler just to stimulate our taste buds in an unnatural way, it is more important than ever to be aware of this. We should see and treat food as what it is. It is a life- forming substance that not only keeps us alive, but also ensures that we function well and remain healthy.

The type and quality of the food we eat affects how efficiently or inefficiently we function and how healthy or unhealthy we are. A healthy diet therefore means eating the type of food that promotes and supports the functions of our body. An unhealthy diet means eating foods that hinder, restrict or even directly damage the functions of our body. Whether you eat healthily or unhealthily is not a question of ethics or morality, but a question of consequence. The healthier you eat, the better you will function and feel. The more unhealthily you eat, the worse you will function and feel. If you want to be active, vital and healthy, you eat healthily, and if you want to be restricted and sluggish and promote the development of disease, you eat unhealthily. 

Therefore, we should be aware that whenever we decide to eat healthily and thereby meet the needs of our body and promote its functions, we are acting for ourselves and in harmony with ourselves. However, when we decide to eat unhealthily, ignoring the needs of our body and hindering its functions, we are acting against ourselves and thus engaging in a type of self-destruction that will sooner or later lead to problems. “You are what you eat” is therefore not just a quote, but a truth, because what you eat becomes a part of you and determines your state of health, your well-being and your abilities.

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