Mental Health Issues- a Lack of Spirituality

“Spirituality” is one of the most misunderstood and misinterpreted terms in modern times. When you hear that someone is spiritual, countless prejudices and myths suddenly pop up in the minds of most people. Spiritual people seem to be strange people with unrealistic beliefs that hardly anyone can really take seriously. Especially in the western world, few people have any idea what it really means to be spiritual, although a proper understanding of this topic would mean the solution to the increasing mental suffering of modern humanity. 

According to the World Health Organization, in its current state, humanity is moving towards a pandemic of mental illness in the next few years. We are currently in a state where a large part of the world's population can lose or has already lost their mental stability at any time. 

Regardless of whether we call it depression, anxiety disorder or something else, it basically means nothing more and nothing less than that we as humans are unable to properly manage our own minds, thoughts and emotions. Mental imbalances can manifest in different ways and we can have endless different descriptions for them, but essentially the cause is the same. 

Today we have given up responsibility for our own wellbeing and now suffer of our own abilities and intelligence. The reality of humanity today is that it has taken millions of years of evolution to bring our consciousness and intelligence to this highest level and now we don't know how to deal with it and how to use that intelligence for ourselves instead of against ourselves. We misunderstand our own psychological drama as an existential reality and identify with all kinds of self-created nonsense. 

When cross this an understand how to manage our own mind and body properly and stop identifying ourselves with things that we are not, that will be the end of all suffering. 

This is what it means to be mentally ill and this is what it means to be spiritual. Mental illness is ignorance of oneself and the inability to deal with oneself. Spirituality is being absolutely aware of oneself and one's life and taking full responsibility for it in order to strive for ones ultimate nature. 

Spirituality is not a doctrine, a philosophy or a belief system, but a simple way of turning to the inner part of one's being and thereby understanding how one's system works and how best to deal with it. Being spiritual means empowering yourself and taking 100% responsibility for your own life. 

All so-called spiritual practices, such as meditation or certain so-called rituals, are basically scientific methods for dealing with the human system in an optimal way and serve the sole purpose of turning inward and correcting a few things within yourself so that you create a certain foundation within yourself so that life and your experiences can take on a new dimension. 

Being spiritual and dealing with the inner mechanisms of your own existence is actually the basis for a plesant and fulfilling life and the normal state that every person should be in. 

However, nowdays it is mostly considered normal to go through life without knowing your own "inner world" and existential reality. Instead, it seems normal to get lost in your own psychological drama and miss out on experiencing real life. Anyone who lives like this and makes no effort to look beyond the physical and does not pay attention to their own inner and universal consciousness is laying the foundation for their own suffering and will sooner or later create psychological problems within themselves. 

If you are stung by a bee, this sting can cause physical pain. Psychological pain, whatever we may call it, is in every single case caused from within ourselves. When we are insulted by someone else, it is we ourselves who become angry or sad and no one else but ourselves. To free ourselves from this dependence of external circumstances and to fully determine the quality of our lives in the long term, there is no other way than to turn inward and become spiritual.

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