Advices & Courses

"The significance of a teacher is not just to rattle off information, but to inspire and enhance each student as a human being."


Ayurvedic Constitutional Diagnosis and General Health Advice

Half to one hour consultation with an ayurvedic therapist in which you learn ayurvedic basics, identify your individual dosha constitution and receive helpful tips for a healthy lifestyle

⚲ Phone Conversation

50.00 €

Activate your Self- Healing Powers Program

7-day program in which your learn to activate your bodys own self-healing powers to experience long-term health and prevent widespread lifestyle-related diseases

⚲ Online Zoom/ Whatsapp Program

134.00 €

Ayurveda for Daily Life Basic Course

One-hour ayurvedic basic course in which you learn the fundamental ayurvedic philosophie and beeing introduced into ayurvedic daily routine practices (Dinacharya)

⚲ Online Zoom Course

35.00 €


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