Get access to the source of your wellbeing

No matter what we do in our lives, and whether we are aware of it or not, everything we do is subordinated to our pursuit of well-being. Whether we eat, drink, work, exercise, listen to music, take drugs, meditate, or go to church and temple, we do all of these things because these things make our experience of life pleasant and enriching. 

But no matter how much we do, how much we have, or how intensely we experience something, we always want to be something more than we are right now. Whether we know money, power, pleasure, or other things, wherever we are in our lives right now does not seem to be enough. It is human nature to always strive for something more and not to be satisfied by limitations or stagnation, but to constantly want to grow, expand and overcome all limitations. 

This is what distinguishes humans from all other living beings on this planet. Just like every insect, bird, and animal on this planet, we humans can eat, sleep, reproduce, and one day die. These are the aspects of survival that all living beings on this planet have in common. However, humans are the only species that can transcend the pure aspects of survival and strive for something more. For this reason, we humans are the only living beings that are called “human- beings” and not just human creatures. All the things that animals do compulsively, like eating or sleeping, humans can do just as well, only consciously. It is the ability to be conscious and act consciously that defines a human and distinguishes him from other living beings. Humans are a unique possibility, between animal and divine nature, which is not fixed. If we are willing to strive, we can transcend all the limitations that nature has set for us and be like an animal one moment and a god the next, to put it in the words of “Adiyogi”. 

How we are and what we do with our unlimited potential is in our hands alone. Because the source of our life, our joy or our sadness, the source of creation lies within ourselves. What happens in our lives and around us may not always be in our hands, but what happens within ourselves and how pleasant or unpleasant the experience within us is is 100% in our hands. 

Today, as modern humanity, we have largely lost access to ourselves and to this source and live somehow randomly, not knowing what life means and hoping that sooner or later we will come across answers and the meaning of life. Although everyone knows deep down that this is not the case, we have started to believe that our life is fulfilled when we earn a living, accumulate material wealth or throw ourselves into various pleasures. We believe that material wealth, comfort, consumption, alcohol, drugs, food and pleasure give our lives meaning. It is not as if all of these things are bad, but they are not what makes up our core experience of life and makes it profound. Ultimately, the core experience of our life is what really counts. All other nonsense, distraction or entertainment can also play a role if you want to indulge in it and play out this drama, but it is not of existential importance to our lives. We do not give our own lives and existential reality the attention it needs to appreciate its full beauty, depth and possibility. 

If we gave life itself the attention we give to all the other nonsense, we would understand that nothing external is needed to make our experience of life pleasant. Everything that is needed to make our life pleasant and meaningful is present within us at all times. Whether we feel joy or sadness or love or hate is 100% our responsibility and does not depend on external appearances. If we realize and experience that we can feel wonderful and the way we want at any time without doing or needing anything. There will be no need to get intoxicated, take drugs or pursue pleasures. 

It is not that pursuing pleasures alone is something bad, for example, but that the majority of people do it because their well-being depends on it. For many people, these things no longer have anything to do with freedom; on the contrary, they are dependent on extracting pleasant feelings from external things of all kinds. They lack access to themselves and the source of their own well-being, which is why they suffer from an inner feeling of lack and try to compensate for this with external things. What is missing is the fundamental realization that true and lasting well-being, like every core experience in life, comes from within and cannot be found outside. 

If you have access to yourself and the source of your well-being, there is no longer any reason to depend on external things and situations to experience well-being. You can do these things if you want to and there is nothing good or bad about it, but you can just as easily just sit with your eyes closed and breathe and feel wonderful and ecstatic. This is nothing impossible, it is the natural state of man. Our life and our experience of it is our responsibility and lies solely in our hands. It is not about giving up pleasure, wealth or other things, it is not about losing something, but about empowering yourself, becoming the creator of your own life and determining your own experience of it. The only way to do this is to turn inward and start the journey to your "true self". Only in this way are you able to influence the quality of your life in the long term. 

With the help of certain ancient scientific practices, the lost access to yourself and the source of your well-being can be restored and responsibility for it can be taken. Then you have the opportunity to put yourself into a state of the highest pleasure or even complete ecstasy at any time and regardless of external appearances, without needing any kind of external stimulation. By handling your own system correctly, you can create a chemistry within yourself that is similar to the effect of a drug high, with the difference that it happens naturally and without unwanted and harmful side effects. Even modern science has now proven this. 

A few years ago, scientists in the USA studied the effects of yogic meditation practices, which are part of the “Inner Engineering” program offered by Sadhguru and Isha Foundation, on the human body and brain. In addition to numerous positive effects of the practices on general physical and mental health, a massive increase in endocannabinoid production in the body of the practitioners was observed. 

The so-called endocannabinoid system is a human communication system and part of the nervous system that, among other things, controls general well-being and has so called cannabinoid receptors. Cannabinoids are the active ingredients of the cannabis plant, which is known worldwide as an intoxicant. In the 1990s, this so-called endocannabinoid system was discovered in the human body and it was recognized that there are millions of receptors for the active ingredient of the cannabis plant within the human body. Scientists found that the human body is able to produce endocannabinoids on its own in certain states of well-being without absorbing them through the consumption of cannabis. 

The human system has therefore been proven to be able to put itself into a certain intoxicating state of bliss from within and independently of external appearances using the right methods. 

Anyone who is interested in determining the quality of their life for themselves in the long term should turn inward and make use of this incredible opportunity for self empowerment.

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