"Ayurveda is not an alternative medicine that can only be used for minor ailments or for wellness vacation, but a serious, ancient and scientific medical system that has a wealth of knowledge and experience that our modern conventional medicine can only dream of."
-Tobias Munk
What is Ayurveda?
Ayurveda is the traditional Indian medicine and with over 2000- 5000 years of medically documented experience, the oldest medical system in the world. Ayurveda literally means "the science of life" and is a holistic medical system that is concerned with maintaining the health of the healthy and curing the illness of the sick.
"Ayurveda" is the traditional Indian medicine and literally means "the science of life".
Today, Ayurveda in its traditional or modified form is known almost worldwide and is enjoyed by many people, especially in the western world, as a relaxation or wellness program...
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