Our Vision

"This Movement is not only about health and wellbeing but of empowering human beings to self- determine their quality of life and make them experience their ultimate potential and fulfillment."

-Tobias Munk

Tobias & Ceternal

Tobias Munk is the Founder of Cetenal and a Volunteer with the Isha Foundation.

In view of the advancing alienation of modern humans from his natural roots and the resulting increasing number of mental illnesses and chronic physical ailments, Tobias Munk decided to found ceternal to improve the health, consciousness and holistic well-being of human beings through various offerings, which are optimally designed for the needs of modern humans and thus giving every human being the chance to self- determine the quality of ones life.

Therefore, Ceternal offers various opportunities for the direct improvement of health and well-being, but also specific offers for long-term, profound and life-changing spiritual experiences.

In order to offer comprehensive services, ceternal combines the wisdom of ancient scientific systems and traditional health models like Yoga & Ayurveda with modern scientific knowledge and personal experience to ensure that their participants and clients benefit from their offerings in a most efficient and holistic way.


"My motivation is not wealth or success, but the vision to create a world full of healthy, conscious and wonderful human- beings."

-Tobias Munk

We are here for you!

For any questions, comments or issues, please feel free to contact us at any time.

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